Page-Barbour Lectures History
2024: Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò Lectures on Autobiographical Freedom
2022: Didier Fassin Crisis: Elements of a Critique
2019: Daniel Mendelsohn A Digression: Narrative Afterlives of The Odyssey
2016: Lorraine Daston Imagining the Past: Science and the Modern Mentality
2016: Marilynne Robinson Our Public Conversation: How America Talks about Itself
2014: Terry Eagleton Hope Without Optimism
2012: Martin Kemp Structural Intuitions
2012: Michael Turner Cosmology: From the Birth of the Universe Until the End of Time
2010: Robert Pippin Fatalism in Film Noir: Some Cinematic Philosophy
2010: Michael Tomasello The Origins of Human Cooperation
2009: Kwame Anthony Appiah Honor and Moral Change
2009: William Labov The Politics of Linguistic Change in America
2008: Louis Menand Academic Pickles
2007: Natasha Trethewey Beyond Katrina: A Meditation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
2006: T.J. Clark The Exchange of Women
2005: Stephen Mulhall The Conversation of Humanity
2005: Dan Segal Modernity and the History Monopoly
2004: Freeman Dyson Life in the Universe
2004: Richard Rorty The Priority of Imagination Over Reason
2002: Maurice Godelier In and Out of Western Tradition: The Delicate Balance of Social Anthropology
2001: Charles Joyner Meeting of the Waters: The Current of Southern Music
2000: Maurice Kriegel A History of Jewish Messianism in the Modern World
1999: Ira Katznelson Southern Politics Revisited: Reflections on Representation, Partisanship, and Social Change in the Last Half-Century
1999: Wole Soyinka The Muse at War: African Expression and the Siege of Censors
1998: Nobel Peace Laureates Conference
1997: James C. Scott The State and People Who Move
1997: Ian Hacking Strange Voyagers: The Epidemic of Dissociative Fugue in France, 1886-1910
1997: Barbara Stafford Visual Analogy: Reviving the Art of Love
1996: Johannes Fabian Moments of Freedom: On Anthropology and Popular Culture
1995: Thomas P. Hughes Metaphors Shaping Modern History: Creation, Mechanization, and Control
1973: Robert Coles Irony in the Mind's Life
1972: Sir John Summerson Victorian Architecture in London
1971: Jean Gottmann The People and Their Territory: Reconsideration of a Basic Relationship
1970: Charles Sterling Studies in French 15th Century Painting
1969: James Willard Hurst The Legitimacy of the Business Corporation
1968: R.W. Fleming The University Now: Reflections of a President
1967: Chen Ning Yang Symmetry Principles in Physics
1966: John Wheeler-Bennett The Crown, the Empire, and the Commonwealth
1965: Marjorie Hope Nicolson Pepys’ Diary and the New Science
1964: John W. Milnor Topology From the Differential Viewpoint
1963: Don K. Price The Scientific Estate
1962: Leo Strauss The City and The Man
1961: Northrop Frye The Well-Tempered Critic
1960: Fred Hoyle New Theories on the Origin of Stars and Elements
1959: B.F. Skinner Education: A Technology of Behavior
1957: S. Lane Faison German Art in the Age of Bach
1956: N.P. Mott Atomic Structure and the Strength of Metals
1955: George E. Mylonas Ancient Mycenae
1954: Theodosius Dobzhansky The Biological Basis of Human Freedom
1953: Dennis H. Robertson Britain in the World Economy
1952: James B. Conant Education and Liberty
1951: Allan Nevins The Statesmanship of the Civil War
1950: Archibald Thomson Davison Bach and Handel
1949: W.H. Auden The Enchafed Flood
1943: Gilbert Chinard The Sage of Monticello
1942: Erwin Panofsky The Gothic Style
1941: Reginald Aldworth Daly The Floor of the Ocean
1940: Carl Lotus Becker Modern Democracy
1939: Heinrich Bruning The Changing Background of Democracy
1938: Wolfgang Kohler Dynamics in Psychology
1937: Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker The Beginnings of American Civilization
1936: Robert Millikan Cosmic Rays
1935: John Dewey Liberalism and Social Action
1934: Henry Norris Russell The Solar System and Its Origin
1933: T.S. Eliot. After Strange Gods
1932: Lindsay Rogers Crisis Government
1931: Albert J. Nock The Theory of Education in the United States
1930: Frederick Paul Keppel The Foundation
1929: William E. Dodd The Statecraft of Woodrow Wilson
1928: Walter Lippmann American Inquisitors
1927: Alfred North Whitehead Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect
1926: Alexander Frederick Whyte Asia in the Twentieth Century
1925: James Thomson Shotwell The Security of Nations
1924: John Huston Finley The Making and Mission of America
1922: Thomas Nelson Page Dante and His Influence
1920: William Roscoe Thayer The Art of Biography
1917: John Henry Wigmore Problems of Law
1916: Archibald Cary Coolidge Origins of the Triple Alliance
1915: William Howard Taft The Presidency
1914: Arthur Twining Hadley Undercurrents in American Politics
1913: James Bryce Ancient Democracy
1911: William Henry Welch Development of Medicine As a Science
1910: Thomas R. Lounsbury The Early Literary Career of Robert Browning
1909: Charles W. Eliot Conflict Between Individualism and Collectivism in a Democracy
1908: Basil Gildersleeve Hellas and Hesperia
1907: Silas Weir Mitchell Some Literary Reminiscences