How To Apply
A proposal should address, in no more than two single-spaced pages, the following:
- the intellectual focus and significance of the initiative, including how it differs from regular departmental activity;
- its organizational format (e.g., a two-day workshop involving departments x and y), including, to the extent possible, names of key participants and those administratively responsible for the proposed activities;
- the makeup and size of its anticipated audience and/or participants (e.g., all faculty and graduate students in departments a and b and some in department c);
- The ways in which undergraduate and/or graduate students are involved;
- planned dates and venues;
- other sources of financial support.
This proposal should be accompanied by a separate document clearly indicating cost estimates of all line items in the budget. We invite requests up to $10,000. Page-Barbour funds cannot support instructional costs or research funds for faculty. If appropriate, departments may hire graduate students to help administer the initiative at $25 per hour. Please work with your departments’ fiscal administrators for assistance with cost estimates. The budget is a key component of the application.
Graduate students are welcome to submit proposals, but the proposing group should include a faculty advisor who has reviewed the proposal.
If you have any questions about submitting an application, please contact the Page-Barbour Committee Co-Chairs Charles Mathewes ( and Jennifer Rubenstein (
Applications to the Committee should be sent to the Page-Barbour Graduate Assistant, BrieAnna Frank ( in PDF form. Please title your PDF "Page-Barbour Workshop, [title of your proposal]". Proposals, with their accompanying budgets, are due by October 31st, 2024
Applications will be evaluated by the Page-Barbour Committee based on their scholarly merits, their contribution to the intellectual life of the University, the feasibility of the events planned, and the appropriateness of the budget to the proposed activities. Award announcements will be made by early May 2024.